Wednesday, May 29, 2013

DEM (5)
The map above is a digital elevation map of the continental U.S. The map shows the flat part of in the middle and south eastern part of the country. It also shows mountains in the western part of the country.

Propaganda Map (4)
The map above is a propaganda map. In this map is gives the appearance that the USSR could easily over run Europe and take control of it. As stated on the website, this image during the cold war could have influenced anti-communist to push for more military spending. In reality it would not have been as easy for the USSR to take control of Europe as this map projects.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Isopach map (3) Isopach map shows the thickness of certain rocks. This form of mapping is often used by geologist for oil drilling. This particular map shows oil reservoirs in Wyoming.

Doppler Radar Map (2)
The Doppler image above show a picture of hurricane Ivan as it hits the gulf coast.  The Image shows the eye of the storm as it moves toward Pensacola, Fl  and causes massive damage along the gulf coast. Doppler radar is used mostly in meteorology and the tracking of storms, and Hurricanes, such as the one above. Meteorologist use Doppler technology to track and project the path of storms.

Dot Distribution Map (1)

The map pictured above displays the distribution of military families, by county, throughout the state of Ohio. Each Dot represents a family in Ohio, from looking at the map one, we can learn that there is a concentration of families closer to larger cities in the state. Dot distribution maps can be used to display many types of information, power usage across a territory, such as the U.S., or oil wells in the gulf of Mexico. These maps display information that can generally be interpreted quickly and easily.