Monday, July 15, 2013

Doppler Radar II (53)
The Doppler radar image above is of Hurricane Katrina as it hit land fall along the gulf coast. You can see as you get closer to the middle of the storm it begins to intensify.

Black and White Aerial Photo II (52)
The black and white picture above is of Atlanta, Ga. Up front you can see the old Fulton County Stadium, where the Atlanta Braves played when they originally moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee. Past the stadium, which has since been demolished and Turner Field has been constructed, you can see downtown Atlanta.

Flow Map II (51)
The map pictured above is a handcrafted telecommunications traffic flow map for the European region. I thought this map was interesting because of what it maps. Mapping the flows of goods and people is relatively easy, but mapping communications of the Net is much more difficult, but this map does an excellent job of it and is considered to be one of the better flow maps of telecommunications for the region.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Population Profile (50)
A Population Profile shows the age and gender distrution of the population for a given area. Pictured above is population profile for Eastern Cape in South Africa.

Climograph (49)
Above is a climograph for southern Alabama. Climograph are used to show average monthly temperature and precipitation for a certain area, they help to show the relationship between temperature and rainfall.

Windrose (48)
A Windrose, most commonly used by meteorologist, is a circular plot displaying different wind speeds and directions.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Scatter Plot (47)
A Scatter Plot uses an X and Y axis to chart point on a coordinate. Scatter plots are used to help determine if there is a correlation between two variables.  For example if you put temperature on the x axis and ice cream sales on the y axis, one could assume that as temperatures climbed so would ice cream sales.